
Sandbox is a multipurpose HTML5 template with various layouts which will be a great solution for your business.

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Moonshine St. 14/05
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00 (123) 456 78 90

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ChaERP’s process of implementing the solutions without disrupting the workflow of the clients

Implementation Meeting & Strategy

ChatERP initiates an agenda for the kick off meeting. Guides you through the things you should provide at the meeting such as sample forms and reports, which personnel should attend and what the role of each member will be. During this strategy session ChatERP will help identify any areas of concern or missed details in preparation for the installation.

Implementation Time Line Pre/post

ChatERP will provide a draft time line of events and milestones that will need to be accomplished by both the client and ChatERP to ensure meeting the selected GO LIVE Date. This draft time line will be reviewed and changes made until the specifications of The project objects are in place.

Milestone Monitoring

As part of the ongoing Project Management continued review and progress will be provided by the appointed ChatERP project person who will work in conjunction with your key “point person”. Corrections to the timeline and milestones will be ongoing to continue to ensure the focus of the Go Live date

Special Requirements

As things progress and/or change in the process, the project management will provide “as needed” special requirements of personnel or product to the project.